Friday, June 3, 2016

Passenger Cars for Oakdale Junction

This year, for my birthday, my wife and kids got me four AHM passenger cars.  My wife found them for a pretty good price on eBay.  Anyway, three of them where painted yellow and lettered for the Virginia & Truckee Railroad and the fourth one was painted red and lettered for the Kansas City & Saint Louis Railroad.

AHM Heavyweight Passenger Cars

AHM Passenger Car Components

I used 90% Isopropyl Alcohol to remove the lettering and then painted the car bodies Model Master Olive Drab and the roofs Model Master Classic White.

AHM Passenger Car Shell Prior to Lettering Removal

Letter Removal with Alcohol and Cotton Swab

Repainting of AHM Passenger Car Shells

With the AHM passenger cars repainted to represent Sierra Railroad equipment, the next thing to do is to apply new lettering.  Unfortunately, I am not ready for this step as I can not locate Sierra Railroad passenger car decals.  I have looked several times on the internet and have not been successful.  I can not print my own, as they need to be done in white and a home computer/printer set up can not print in white ink.  I only need three sets to finish my passenger car fleet, but a company would need a larger production run.  I guess I could letter my passenger cars with individual white letter decals or dry transfers, but that seems way to time consuming and the letters would not be spaced our correctly if I did it this way.

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