Saturday, May 3, 2014

MRC DCC Control System

I have installed the main components of the MRC Prodigy Advance 2 "Squared" DCC System underneath the layout on the Sierra Railroad leg of the layout.  As you can see, it sits on a short wooden shelf.  Under the shelf, are the three circuit breaker modules and the PowerPax unit used for the programming track to program sound decoders in locomotives.

All of these items are from DCC Specialties and were purchased at Tony's Train Exchange.  The double module on the left is the PSX2 DCC Circuit Breaker, the module in the middle is the PSX-AR Auto Reverser/Circuit Breaker and the PowerPax is on the right.  One circuit breaker is for the Sierra side of the layout while the other circuit breaker is for the Southern Pacific side of the layout.  The auto-reverser is for the wye.

These two photographs show the complicated wiring underneath the layout.  You can see the red and black wires running the length of the layout.  These are the main bus wires for the DCC system and are made from twelve gauge solid wire.  The smaller feeder wires drop down from the track above the layout and I use the red and blue "suitcase connectors" to make solid connections instead of attempting to solder all the wires.

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